Ieltsfever Academic Reading Practice Test 4 Answers

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In order to determine whether higher education is worth the investment, it is useful to examine what is known about the value of higher education and the rates of return on investment to both the individual and to society. Though the earnings...

Found: 25 May 2021 | Rating: 90/100

[FREE] Ieltsfever Academic Reading Practice Test 4 Answers | HOT

FALSE if the statement contradicts the passage. The cost of a college education has remained steady for several years. Some people have to borrow large amounts of money to pay for college. About 80 percent of college students study at public...

Found: 25 May 2021 | Rating: 99/100

Academic Reading Practice Tests With Answers Free PDF 50 Test Files Part 1 IELTS Exam

The movement provides enough warmth until they can head back into the inner core and rest in the warmth. In order to reduce the cold of the ice, penguins often put their weight on their heels and tails. Antarctic penguins also have complex nasal passages that prevent 80 percent of their heat from leaving the body. When the sun is out, the black dorsal plumage attracts its rays and penguins can stay warm enough to waddle or slide about alone. C Antarctic penguins spend about 75 percent of their lives in the water. A number of survival adaptations allow them to swim through water as cold as -2 degrees Celsius.

Found: 18 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100

IELTSFever Academic Reading Test 47 Answers

B trees Questions Multiple choice questions [This type of question asks you to choose a suitable answer from the options using the knowledge you gained from the passage. Generally, this question is set found as the last question set in most passages so you should not worry much about it. Finding all the answers to previous questions gives you a good idea about these questions. In the long run, it is the public, either directly or through its publications, that has the power to make such destructive policies unprofitable and illegal, and to make sustainable environmental policies profitable.

Found: 22 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

Exam Review

Question no. So, the answer is: D influence the environmental policies of businesses and governments. Keywords for the question: pressure, exerted by, big businesses, disease BSE, We can see the reference for the disease BSE in paragraph no. But for five years, the meat packers refused to follow these, claiming that they would be too expensive to obey. However, when a major fast-food company then made the same demands after customer purchases of its hamburgers plummeted, the meat industry complied within weeks. Keywords for the question: the public, should be prepared, fund, good environmental practices, In paragraph no. I also believe that the public must accept the necessity for higher prices for products to cover the added costs, if any, of sound environmental practices.

Found: 8 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100

IELTSFever Academic Reading Test 32 Answers

Keywords for the question: contrast between, moral principles, different businesses, In paragraph no. My views may seem to ignore the belief that businesses should act in accordance with moral principles even if this leads to a reduction in their profits. But I think we have to recognize that, throughout human history, in all politically complex human societies, government regulation has arisen precisely because it was found that not only did moral principles need to be made explicit, they also needed to be enforced. My conclusion is not a moralistic one about who is right or wrong, admirable or selfish, a good guy or a bad guy. Keywords for the question: best subheading, The overall idea of the passage is the fact that both big businesses and the general public are to blame for the damage caused in the environment. So, the answer is: D Are big businesses to blame for the damage they cause the environment?

Found: 9 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100

Category: Academic Reading Practice Test 4 Answers

Are you sure you want to submit? Otters A Otters are semiaquatic or in the case of the sea otter, aquatic mammals. They are members of the Mustelid family which includes badgers, polecats, martens, weasels, stoats and minks, and have inhabited the earth for the last 30 million years and over the years have undergone subtle changes to the carnivore bodies to exploit the rich aquatic environment. Otters have long thin body and short legs—ideal for pushing dense undergrowth or hunting in tunnels. An adult male may be up to 4 feet long and 30 pounds.

Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100 Academic Reading Practice Test 1

Females are smaller, around 16 pounds typically. This forms part of the propulsion unit when swimming fast under water. The fur must be kept in good condition by grooming. Sea water reduces the waterproofing and insulating qualities of otter fur when salt water gets in the fur. This is why freshwater pools are important to otters living on the coast:. After swimming, they wash the salts off in the pools and then squirm on the ground to rub dry against vegetation. B Scent is used for hunting on land, for communication and for detecting danger. Otterine sense of smell is likely to be similar in sensitivity to dogs. Otters have small eyes and are probably short-sighted on land. But they do have the ability to modify the shape of the lens in the eye to make it more spherical, and hence overcome the refraction of water. In clear water and good light, otters can hunt fish by sight. The long whiskers growing around the muzzle are used to detect the presence of fish.

Found: 12 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100

IELTS Recent Actual Test With Answers Volume 6

However, the productivity of the river affects this hugely and one study found male ranges between 12 and 80km. Coastal otters have a much more abundant food supply and ranges for males and females may be just a few kilometers of coastline. Because male ranges are usually larger, a male otter may find his range overlaps with two or three females. Otters will eat anything that they can get hold of—there are records of sparrows and snakes and slugs being gobbled. Apart from fish the most common prey are crayfish, crabs and water birds. Small mammals are occasionally taken, most commonly rabbits but sometimes even moles. D Eurasian otters will breed any time where food is readily available.

Found: 19 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100

Academic Reading

In places where condition is more severe, Sweden for example where the lakes are frozen for much of winter, cubs are bom in Spring. This ensures that they are well grown before severe weather returns. In the Shetlands, cubs are born in summer when fish is more abundant. Though otters can breed every year, some do not. Again, this depends on food availability. Other factors such as food range and quality of the female may have an effect. Gestation for Eurasian otter is 63 days, with the exception of North American river otter whose embryos may undergo delayed implantation. E Otters normally give birth in more secure dens to avoid disturbances. Nests are lined with bedding reeds, waterside plants, grass to keep the cubs warm while mummy is away feeding. Litter Size varies between 1 and 5 2 or 3 being the most common. For some unknown reason, coastal otters tend to produce smaller litters. At five weeks they open their eyes—a tiny cub of g. At ten weeks they leave the nest, blinking into daylight for the first time.

Found: 19 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100

IELTS Academic Reading Free Sample Questions

After three months they finally meet the water and learn to swim. After eight months they are hunting, though the mother still provides a lot of food herself. Finally, after nine months she can chase them all away with a clear conscience, and relax—until the next fella shows up. Pesticides, such as dieldrin and aldrin, were first used in ' in agriculture and other industries—these chemicals are very persistent and had already been recognised as the cause of huge declines in the population of peregrine falcons, sparrowhawks and other predators. The pesticides entered the river systems and the food chain—micro-organisms, fish and finally otters, with every step increasing the concentration of the chemicals.

Found: 1 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100

Answers Ieltsfever Academic Reading Practice Test 4 PDF

From the chemicals were phased out, but while some species recovered quickly, otter numbers did not—and continued to fall into the 80s. This was probably due mainly to habitat destruction and road deaths. Acting on populations fragmented by the sudden decimation in the 50s and 60s, the loss of just a handful of otters in one area can make an entire population enviable and spell the end. G Otter numbers are recovering all around Britain—populations are growing again in the few areas where they had remained and have expanded from those areas into the rest of the country. This is almost entirely due to law and conservation efforts, slowing down and reversing the destruction of suitable otter habitat and reintroductions from captive breeding programs.

Found: 2 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

Answers .achieve Ielts Test 4 Answer Key | 101 . Reading Passage 3 - Antigravity Machine Writing

Releasing captive-bred otters is seen by many as a last resort. The argument runs that where there is no suitable habitat for them they will not survive after release and when1 there is suitable habitat;, natural populations should be able to expand into the area. However, reintroducing animals into a fragmented and fragile population may add just enough impetus for it to stabilise and expand, rather than die out. This is what the Otter Trust accomplished in Norfolk, where the otter population may have been as low as twenty animals at the beginning of the s. The Otter Trust has now finished its captive breeding program entirely. Wealth in A Cold Climate Latitude is crucial to a nation's economic strength. A Dr William Masters was reading a book about mosquitoes when inspiration struck. And could frost lie at the heart of one of the most enduring economic mysteries of all—why are almost all the wealthy, industrialised nations to be found at latitudes above 40 degrees? After two years of research, he thinks that he has found a piece of the puzzle.

Found: 13 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100

ANSWERS .Achieve IELTS Test 4 Answer Key | 101 . READING PASSAGE 3 - Antigravity Machine WRITING

Masters, an agricultural economist from Purdue University in Indiana, and Margaret McMillan at Tufts University, Boston, show that annual frosts are among the factors that distinguish rich nations from poor ones. Their study is published this month in the Journal of Economic Growth. The pair speculate that cold snaps have two main benefits - they freeze pests that would otherwise destroy crops, and also freeze organisms, such as mosquitoes, that carry disease. The result is agricultural abundance and a big workforce. C The academics took two sets of information. The first was average income for countries, the second climate data from the University of East Anglia. They found a curious tally between the sets. Countries having five or more frosty days a month are uniformly rich, those with fewer than five are impoverished.

Found: 6 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100

Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Reading Test 4 With Answers

The authors speculate that the five-day figure is important; it could be the minimum time needed to kill pests in the soil. Perhaps climate has something to do with that. The chills kill insects or render them inactive; cold weather slows the break-up of plant and animal material in the soil, allowing it to become richer; and frosts ensure a build-up of moisture in the ground for spring, reducing dependence on seasonal rains. There are well-heeled tropical places such as Hong Kong and Singapore, a result of their superior trading positions.

Found: 16 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100

IELTS Simulation Test (Vol1) With Answers Reading Practice Test 4

Like-wise, not all European countries are moneyed in the former communist colonies, economic potential was crushed by politics. D Masters stresses that climate will never be the overriding factor - the wealth of nations is too complicated to be attributable to just one factor. Climate, he feels, somehow combines with other factors such as the presence of institutions, including governments, and access to trading routes to determine whether a country will do well. Traditionally, Masters says, economists thought that institutions had the biggest effect on the economy, because they brought order to a country in the form of, for example, laws and property rights.

Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100

IELTS Recent Actual Test With Answers Volume 2

With order, so the thinking went, came affluence. And the accumulation of wealth and improvement in governing institutions are both helped by a favourable environment, including climate. Instead, richer countries should change the way in which foreign aid is given. Instead of aid being geared towards improving governance, it should be spent on technology to improve agriculture and to combat disease. F Other minds have applied themselves to the split between poor and rich nations, citing anthropological, climatic and zoological reasons for why temperate nations are the most affluent. Jared Diamond, from the University of California at Los Angeles, pointed out in his book Guns, Germs and Steel that Eurasia is broadly aligned east-west, while Africa and the Americas are aligned north-south.

Found: 4 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100

IELTS Recent Actual Test With Answers Volume 3

So, in Europe, crops can spread quickly across latitudes because climates are similar. One of the first domesticated crops, einkorn wheat, spread quickly from the Middle East into Europe; it took twice as long for corn to spread from Mexico to what is now the eastern United States. This easy movement along similar latitudes in Eurasia would also have meant a faster dissemination of other technologies such as the wheel and writing, Diamond speculates. The region also boasted domesticated livestock, which could provide meat, wool and motive power in the fields. Blessed with such natural advantages, Eurasia was bound to take off economically. G John Gallup and Jeffrey Sachs, two US economists, have also pointed out striking correlations between the geographical location of countries and their wealth.

Found: 19 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

General Reading Practice Tests Free 30 Tests

They note that tropical countries between Musical Maladies Norman M. Weinberger reviews the latest work of Oliver Sacks on music. Music and the brain are both endlessly fascinating subjects, and as a neuroscientist specialis-ing in auditory learning and memory, I find them especially intriguing. So I had high expecta-tions of Musicophilia, the latest offering from neurologist and prolific author Oliver Sacks. And I confess to feeling a little guilty reporting that my reactions to the book are mixed. Sacks himself is the best part of Musicophilia. He richly documents his own life in the book and reveals highly personal experiences.

Found: 24 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100

Academic Reading Practice Test With Answers Free PDF 50 Test Files Part 1

Rocket league unblocked The practice test includes an overview of the test format with a variety of sample test questions and answers, to assist you in preparing for the real IELTS test. In addition, you will have the opportunity to time yourself as you take each section of the practice test, so you can prepare yourself for the real test day experience. Can anyone help as it seems that order is not being followed? God bless you all. Ah Sare test kaffi aa reading li please anyone tell me??? And is ch maximum kina score awa then apa eligible aa paper li please anyone tell me ma paper daina hun. Kindly offer a resolution… Thanks. First of all your site is very lexical. They seem to be very difficult in some instances, is the same difficulties in actually exam too? Heartfelt thank you ieltsfever!

Found: 6 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100

Full IELTS Academic Reading Test Online - IELTS-up

I scored overall 7 and reading stood at 7! Kenwood ts 50 power adjustment For me that is a great achievement because initially I was unable to complete all the three passages on time! But your mock tests, particularly reading pdfs helped me like anything! Courtesy once again!?? Hi, I think there was a mistake or I made a mistake in reading test 4 in the first paragraph question8.

Found: 16 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100

IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 - Free IELTS Material Resources

So I chose answer C, but in answer sheet it is B. Can you please help? Sir can you please upload the locations for answrs or any link where i can find them. Thnk you do much. Sir, can you please upload the locations for the answers. Sir,can you please upload the locations for the answers. I shall be grateful to you.

Found: 8 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100

Newsletter Signup

Thnk you so much for uploading theses useful readings. Only answers are not sufficient. The hints and locations of answers are must. Para no. And liberals no. The way TCY sends. Can you please tell me that is it sufficient for exam that we just prepare 50 reading for exam actually I filled the exam on 10 August please i have very less time so please suggest me that 50 readings are enough for exam. I have done a reading practice paper on the top it was named as academic reading These test questions may have been previously administered. A test form is a set of released test questions previously administered together to Texas students which reflects the STAAR test blueprints. STAAR reading and writing tests contain varying amounts of authentic published texts. Copyright permission for these texts is obtained from publishers by the testing contractor on behalf of TEA. These copyright agreements may or may not include permission for a wider, non-secure release after testing.

Found: 22 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100

IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 With Answers

If material that was used during testing could not be included in a released test form due to specific copyright permissions, text is provided in the form that indicates where the source material originated. Released test forms that were administered on paper are released as PDFs. These documents are available in the links below. The online practice tests are not available for printing or scoring. Agency Finances. Contact Us. Other Services. General Information. Charter Schools. District Initiatives. School Boards. Curriculum Standards. Early Childhood Education. Graduation Information. Instructional Materials. Learning Support and Programs. Special Student Populations. Subject Areas. Financial Accountability. Financial Compliance. State Funding. Texas Permanent School Fund. Data Submission. Educator Data. Financial Reports.

Found: 3 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100

IELTSFever Listening Practice Test 6 Answers - IELTS Fever

Legislative Information. Program Evaluations. School Data. School Performance. Student Data. As usual, the reading test contains 3 sections. On this page you can find section 1. Qibrd Read the text, answer all the questions and click "check" to see your mistakes. After that, you can proceed to the next section. You should spend about 20 minutes on Questionswhich are based on Reading Passage 1 below. The fact diseases have a smell comes as no surprise - but finding someone or something that can detect them at an early stage could hold huge potential for medicine. Breath, bodily odours and urine are all amazingly revealing about general health.

Found: 26 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100

IELTSFever Academic Reading Practice Test 4 Answers

Even the humble cold can give off an odour, thanks to the thick bacteria-ridden mucus that ends up in the back of the throat. The signs are not apparent to everyone - but some super-smellers are very sensitive to the odours. Joy Milne, for example, noticed her husband's smell had changed shortly before he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Humans can detect nearly 10, different smells.

Found: 6 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

IELTS Reading Tips: Strategies & Comprehension

Formed by chemicals in the air, they are absorbed by little hairs, made of extremely sensitive nerve fibres, hanging from the nose's olfactory receptors. And the human sense of smell is 10, times more sensitive than the sense of taste. But dogs, as the old joke might have had it, smell even better. Their ability to detect four times as many odours as humans makes them a potential early warning system for a range of diseases. Research suggesting dogs' could sniff out cancers, for example, was first published about 10 years ago. And there have been many tales of dogs repeatedly sniffing an area of their owner's body, only for it to turn out to be hiding a tumour.

Found: 26 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100

IELTS Simulation Test With Answers Volume 1

What they are smelling are the "volatile molecules" given off by cells when they become cancerous. Others suggest they can detect very small tumours before clinical tests can. And yet more studies have produced mixed results. Does cancer smell? At Milton Keynes University Hospital, a small team has recently begun to collect human urine samples to test dogs' ability to detect the smell of prostate cancer. Dear students in this post you will get the answers for academic reading practice test 5 answers providing by IELTSFever. Also, share with your friends and one more thing dear students in the future we are working on an android and iPhone application which helps you, how you can find the correct answers from the passage.

Found: 6 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 100 With Answers

This will help you to improve yourself in a high band score. We also need your suggestions for this application. Dear students, please share your experience with our website and application in comments then we make website and android according to you also visit our speaking and listening category to get the latest cue cards and latest practice tests free of cost. You can also join and participate in our mock test which we conduct on Sundays and mock test on readinglistening, and writing and check yourself.

Found: 28 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

Hydroelectric Power IELTS Reading Answers

Ieltsfever academic reading practice test 4 answers. Ieltsfever academic reading practice test 1 answers. Nowadays shopping has become a new favorite pastime for young people. Pingback: academic reading practice test with answers free PDF 50 test files part 1. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.

Found: 22 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100

Free Ielts General Reading Practice Test With Answers Pdf

Are you sure you want to submit? Although this was a great development, it was not really considered mobile telephony because it could not be used to dial into existing phone networks. It was known as simplex technology, operating on the same principles as a walkie-talkie, which required that a user press a button, meaning that only one person at a time could talk. Simplex meant that there was only one communication frequency in use at any one time. The first mobile phones to connect to telephone networks were often installed in cars before the hand-held version came on the market and the revolution in mobile technology began.

Found: 19 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100

Solution For IELTS Recent Actual Test With Answers (Vol 6) Reading Practice Test 4

The first generation of mobile phones called 1G were large, heavy and analogue and it was not until the invention of the second generation 2G in the s that digital networks could be used. The digital element enabled faster signalling. At the same time, developments in battery design and energy-saving electronics allowed the phones themselves to become smaller and therefore more truly mobile. The second generation allowed for text messaging too, and this began with the first person-to-person text message in Finland in , although a machine-generated text message had been successfully sent two years earlier. None of this would have been possible without the development of duplex technology to replace the relatively primitive simplex technology of the first phase of mobile communication. In duplex technology, there are two frequencies available simultaneously.

Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

IELTS MASTER | IELTS Academic Reading Practice Tests

To send two signals wirelessly, it is necessary to create a paired spectrum, where one band carries the uplink from phone to antenna and the other carries the downlink from antenna to phone. Time Division Duplex TDD can achieve the same thing, but instead of splitting the frequency, the uplink and downlink are switched very rapidly, giving the impression that one frequency is used. For mobile telephony to work to its fullest potential, it needs to have a network through which it can relay signals. This network depends on base stations which send and receive the signals. The base stations tend to be simple constructions, or masts, on top of which are mounted the antennas. With the rapid increase in demand for mobile services, the infrastructure of antennas in the United Kingdom is now huge.

Found: 20 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100

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