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For many of the questions, you must read several sentences beyond the question to determine the answer. Be sure that you have read far enough ahead each time you choose an alternative. I had 1 a job interview scheduled for tomorrow, so I have a lot...
Found: 25 May 2021 | Rating: 91/100
This gives you a goal to work towards and focuses your study timeline. Creating a study plan before getting started ensures you cover all the material on the test in the amount of time you have available. Enroll in a Course An easy way to find a...
Found: 25 May 2021 | Rating: 90/100
Free Common Core: 7th Grade English Language Arts Diagnostic Tests
What must you do? Wait for the owner to return. Leave a note with your name and address on the parked vehicle. Call your insurance company when you get home. You have consented to take a test for the alcohol content of your blood, breath, or urine: only if you have been drinking alcohol.
Found: 18 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100
New SAT Official Guide Practice Test 7 Answer Explanations Pdf Download
A The question asks why the author included the phrase with all the Marys and Elizabeths they had married. The paragraph this phrase appears in summarizes the part of the family his- tory that is not directly quoted from the Baronetage, and this phrase is included as part of that summary. Choice D is the opposite of a summary, so it is not the best match. Choices B and C are too far-reaching; there is no information provided about a type of woman or British common names. The best match is A , as it indicates the same information is repeated over and over again. C The question asks how Sir Walter can best be described, so the best match will be supported by the passage. General questions such as this should be done after all of the specific questions. Also note that the following question is a best evidence question, so this question and question 5 can be answered in tandem.
Found: 24 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
Look at the answers for question 5 first. Although the passage states that Sir Walter never took up any book but the Baronetage, this evidence does not connect to any of the descriptions from the previous question, so A can be eliminated. Although Sir Walter is described as the head of a family in both B and C , there is no support for his be- ing one of the foremost in England. In lines 50—54, Sir Walter is described as caring about his rank and his appearance above all else, which matches C from question 4. No other answer for question 4 is supported by a line reference from question 5. The correct answers are 4C and 5D.
Found: 23 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
We Looked Everywhere, But We Couldn't Find That Page.
Practice Test 7: Answers and Explanations 3 5. D See explanation above. A The question asks what can be inferred about Lady Elliot, so the answer must match the passage as closely as possible. Also note that the following question is a best evidence question, so this question and question 8 can be answered in tandem. Look at the answers for question 8 first.
Found: 20 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100
IELTSFever Listening Practice Test 7 Answers
Lines 58—62 indicate that Lady Elliot was an excellent woman, sensible and amiable; however, this does not match any of the answer choices in question 7, so eliminate 8A. Lines 64—68 state that Lady Elliot was not the very happiest being, but 7C goes beyond by saying she was unhappy most of her life; eliminate 8C. Only 7A is supported by any line reference in question 8. The correct answers are 7A and 8B. B See explanation above. A The question asks what can be inferred from the last paragraph, so the answer must match the in- formation provided in that paragraph as closely as possible. Reading the window reveals that Sir Walter and Lady Russell continue to live in same neighborhood, remaining both friends and single. There is no mention of beauty in the last paragraph, so D is not supported. There is no mention of what Sir Walter and Lady Russell are or are not likely to do in the future, so B can be eliminated. Be careful about answer choices that include predic- tions.
Found: 12 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Full-length, Free SAT Practice Tests
The paragraph does state that the two did not marry despite whatever might have been anticipated on that head by their acquaintance, indicating that some may have anticipated that they would marry. This best matches A. C Remember to use the context of the passage when considering the definition of a word, and not your own definition of head. Read the window around line 81 to determine a synonym that works within the context of the passage. This is most synonymous with possibility, C. Inevitability could have worked if the couple did marry, but since such an event never actually happened possibility is the best choice. Face and countenance in A and B are synonyms for head but do not work in this specific context. A The question asks about the position of the author. This best supports A , a social scientist presenting findings. There is no indication in the passage that the author is a parent or an educator, eliminating B and D. Since the author is not focused on his time as an adolescent, but on current adolescents, C can be eliminated as well.
Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100
SAT Practice Test 7 Questions With Answers Explanations PDF
D The question asks for how a very common word, commit, is being used in a specific context. Remember to use the context of the passage when considering the definition of a word, and not your own prior usage of commit. Entrust, institutionalize, and pledge do not match that meaning in this context. A The question asks what the references to various factors serve to do. Within this window, the passage discusses the different focuses of studies on adolescent time use and the factors that influence that time use.
Found: 18 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
It does not neces- sarily include all of the differences that determine time use, eliminating B. It is not a list of activities, eliminating C. And that reference applies only to studies on adolescent time use, not adult time use, eliminating D. B The question asks what purpose the discussion of how boys and girls spend their time serves. There is no discussion of societal roles, only a social use of time, eliminating A. There is also no discussion of biological differences between boys and girls, only social ones, eliminating D. Be careful about trying to apply outside information or prior knowledge. C Remember to use the context of the passage when considering the definition of a word, and not your own prior usage of reflect.
Found: 23 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Return, redirect, and imitate do not match that meaning in context. C The question asks what is indicated about chores and jobs, which is a very open-ended ques- tion. By reading the paragraph under that section heading, it is clear that the focus of this paragraph is on the differences that exist between boys and girls when it comes to chores and jobs. Eliminate them both. Choice B references the different social stereotypes related to chores and jobs, which may seem like a well-supported answer choice. But B also says that chores and jobs create those stereotypes, which is not supported by the passage in Practice Test 7: Answers and Explanations 5 which it says they reinforce those stereotypes.
Found: 2 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
This leaves C , which matches the discussion of different activities boys and girls engage in. B The previous question asked what is indicated about chores and jobs. Using line references to support answer choices to the previous question, answer choices to this question can be quickly eliminated. Choice A refers to a different paragraph of the passage that is not concerned with chores or jobs, so eliminate it. The passage mentions that money is a greater motivating factor than experience, which eliminates both C and D as support for C in the previous ques- tion. The only line that supports an answer from the previous question is found in B : chores and jobs tend to be divided along gender lines, as boys and girls engage in different types of those activities.
Found: 20 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
IELTSFever Academic Reading Test 7 Answers
C This question asks about which of the answers would NOT affect student participation. Lines 80—85 mention factors that do affect participation. Gender is mentioned in line 81, so elimi- nate A. Autonomy, mentioned in line 85, means doing things for themselves, so eliminate B. Involvement of friends is mentioned in lines 83—84, so eliminate D. Parental support is not mentioned, so C is the correct answer. C This question requires using the text and the table. Listening to music is not an activity listed on the table, but it is mentioned in lines 66— The text says that adolescents spend as much as four to six hours a day listening to music Because they are listening to music 4—6 hours a day, A and B can be eliminated. We know the researchers asked about the activity because there are specifics in the text.
Found: 21 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100
10 Official SAT Practice Tests (Full-Length And Free)
Elimi- nate D. Choice C is supported by the text and is the correct answer. B The question asks for a summary of the information presented on the graphic, so the best approach is likely POE. The graphic provides information on only one set of adolescents; it does not compare one set of adolescents to another set a decade earlier. Eliminate C. Since more than a dozen activities are listed in the graphic, A can be eliminated, since that indi- cates adolescents divide their time over only a dozen. The graphic does not account for why there is a difference between the time boys and girls spend sleeping, so D can be eliminated. The graphic does indicate that the majority of time spent by both boys and girls is on school and sleeping, which best supports B.
Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
D Just like the previous question, this question asks for information presented on the graphic. Checking each answer choice against the graphic demonstrates that A is incorrect, as a num- ber of hobbies are not indicated, only the amount of time spent on them. Although boys do spend less time on household work than girls do, this does not account for the stereotypical gender roles that exist, eliminating B. Choice C is incorrect, as girls spend one hour and eleven minutes on personal care while boys spend a total of two hours and twenty-five minutes on sports and TV combined.
Found: 10 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100
Leap 2025 Social Studies Practice Test Grade 7 Answer Key
There is only one activity on which boys and girls spend the ex- act same amount of time Outdoors , which supports D. A The first paragraph describes a rule—aggravated murder is the only crime punished by death—and then states that we are even now deliberating whether the extreme penalty should be retained in that solitary case. The second paragraph gives the parameters for the application of the rule: by conclusive evidence, the greatest crime known to the law; and when the atten- dant circumstances suggest no palliation of the guilt.
Found: 24 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
IELTSFever Academic Reading Test 7 Answers - IELTS Fever
Expansion valve stuck closed d. Restricted condenser airflow When both the low and high sides are high, this indicates a refrigerant overcharge or restricted condenser. Courtesy of Toyota Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer. For this question, look for the choice that could NOT fit the described situation. Read the entire question carefully before choosing your answer. Reuse all mounting brackets b. Use new gaskets and seals c. Use the same or equivalent compressor d. Reuse same compressor oil You never reuse compressor oil. Incorrect answer. A compressor clutch will not engage. Power and ground at the clutch coil are good. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause? Low refrigerant c. Incorrect air gap d. Bad pressure cycling switch With power and a ground, the clutch should have worked unless the gap is too wide, and is the most likely cause. On a manual air conditioning system without automatic control, the compressor clutch does not operate.
Found: 18 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Drivers License Test California (#7) - FREE CA DMV Test
Technician A says there is a failed compressor thermal protector. Technician B says there is an incorrectly adjusted temperature door. Who is right? A only c. Both A and B d. Technician B is wrong because temperature door position does not affect compressor operation on a manual system. Using a DMM digital multimeter , a technician measures 12 volts at the clutch coil, but it will not engage. Technician A says a bad clutch coil could be the cause. Technician B says a bad clutch coil ground could be the cause. Neither A nor B Both technicians are correct. Clogged filter can cause higher than normal pressure b. Saturated desiccant can cause a blockage due to freezing c. You install a new desiccant bag on some systems before charging the system. For this question, look for the choice that could NOT cause the described situation. When stuck closed, pressure on high side is low and pressure on low side is high.
Found: 3 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
It can fail in the open position as a result of debris in the system. It can seize in the closed position due to a lack of lubricant. With moisture in the system, ice can form and cause blockage. When the expansion valve is stuck closed, both high and low pressure are low. Technician A says all air conditioning connections use a gasket or O-ring to seal the system. Technician B says when replacing O-rings you lubricate the O-ring with the correct refrigerant oil to prevent nicks and ease installation. A concern of intermittent AC cooling is being diagnosed. The gauge set shows intermittently high and low side pressure gauge readings and the high side intermittently drops to psi. Stuck expansion valve c.
Found: 17 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100
ACT English Practice Test
Compressor internal leak d. Damaged compressor reed valve A stuck expansion valve is the most likely cause based on both high and low pressures being low. Technician A says a defective thermostat can cause the engine to operate at too cold of a temperature. Technician B says if the thermostat is stuck closed it can make a pinging or banging sound. Two technicians are describing heater diagnosis. Technician A says one heater hose is hot to the touch and the other hose is cold when the heater core is functioning okay.
Found: 15 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
Practice Test 7 A& | Question | Wetland
Technician B says the upper radiator hose should be at engine operating temperature, which is very hot to the touch. Neither A nor B Technician A is wrong because both heater hoses should be hot. Technician B is right because the upper radiator hose should be too hot to hold. What high-side and low-side pressure gauge readings would a technician find if the condenser fan were inoperative? High-side high and low-side low b. High-side low and low-side high c. Both high-side high and low-side are low d. Both high-side high and low-side are high An inoperative condenser fan can cause a high high-side and high low-side reading. Answer option A is wrong because high high-side and low low-side pressure generally indicates a restriction evaporator air flow. B is wrong because high low-side and low high-side pressure indicate internal compressor damage.
Found: 1 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
IELTSFever Listening Practice Test 7 Answers - IELTS Fever
Writing on the SAT tests similar grammar skills—but they're tested in a different passage-based format. You can use these old SAT tests to practice key SAT grammar rules , but know that you won't be seeing any questions based on isolated sentences anymore. Math on the SAT is similar in format, but it now emphasizes algebra and de-emphasizes geometry. Go ahead and use these old tests for math practice, but be sure to focus more on the skills that the current SAT tests.
Found: 21 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
You might find these on other forums or websites. Don't waste time taking these tests, as they're the same tests as the four above. This was back when I took it and earned a perfect SAT score. The following links are a hidden gold mine of old tests that few students know about, so by taking these tests, you'll have that much more of an edge over current students. However, there are important caveats to know before taking these tests: Skip the analogy questions on Reading sections. That said, the passage questions are all still very useful. Skip the comparison questions on Math sections.
Found: 12 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100
Avant STAMP Medical Sample Test
These are the ones that show two boxes and ask you to choose whether A or B is greater. Since this question type isn't on the SAT anymore, there's no use practicing it. There are no Writing sections on these tests. As a result, you won't get the grammar and English practice you need to do well on the SAT's Writing and Language section. Be grateful you didn't need to do some of these old-format questions—analogies were the main reason that the SAT got a bad rap for forcing students to memorize vocab!
Found: 21 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
ServSafe Practice Test On Chapter 7: Food Service (Free Quiz)
Use the map and your knowledge of social studies to answer the question. Leap grade 7 social studies practice test. In which grid location is alexandria? Grade 3 leap testing — george a. Use the picture and your knowledge of social studies to answer the question. Science grade 7 practice test answer key. Session set sequence item key point alignment. Practice tests offer students an opportunity to have a good idea of how the real exam is administered. Grade 8 social studies practice test answer key. Type value 3 35 tpd: Lumos leap assessment practice resources were developed by expert teachers for students in grades 3 through 8 and high school.
Found: 1 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
Paper-Based Practice Tests And Answer Keys
Type mc key assessable content b 8. Hundreds of grade specific questions in both math and english language arts literacy are designed to familiarize students with the learning standards such as. Individuals now are accustomed to using the net in gadgets to view image and video information for inspiration, and according to the title of the article I will talk about about Leap Social Studies Practice Test Grade 7 Answer Key.
Found: 19 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
Printable SAT Practice Tests PDFs: 18 FREE Official Tests
Grade 3 Leap Testing — George A. High School Assessments. Lumos leap assessment practice resources were developed by expert teachers for students in grades 3 through 8 and high school. Type value 3 35 tpd: 6 science grade 7 practice test answer key. Source: www. Terms in this set 9. Radio reporter 7 communication studies 8 marketing assistant 9 intimidated 10 trainee scheme 11 live interviews 12 journalism 13 news 14 flexibility. The seventh paragraph speculates that further research may provide insight into how and why birds fly in formation:.
Found: 5 Apr 2021 | Rating: 86/100
10 Official SAT Practice Tests (Full-Length And Free) | The Olive Book Blog
If technology disrupts choice c is the best answer. English entrance test time allowed: Answer key to progress tests version a progress test 1 1 1 2 3 4. Exercise 1 students' own answers. How to write a graded reader and graded reader activities. Practice file answer key unit 1 2 f 3 e 4 b 5 c 6 a 2 head 3 operate 4 subsidiaries 5 employees 6 sell 7 goods 8 make 9 competitors 2 companies 3 b. Sleep itself, or the passage of time, that is important for the problem solving, but the quality of sleep.
Found: 10 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100
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